Our Vision

Ridgeview Church will be a place where people are actively involved in a life-style of personal and corporate worship. It will be a place where Christians actively share the good news of Jesus throughout our community, our state, our nation, and our world. We will "...preach the gospel always, and sometimes use words." Our sharing will be done through acts of kindness, the development of authentic relationships, and seeking to meet needs in our community.

Ridgeview Church will help people develop and cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We will also connect people to their Christian family where they will be valued and accepted and grow closer to one another and Christ through small group Bible studies.

Ridgeview Church will be a place of faithfulness. We will be faithful in serving God by serving others. We will be faithful in finding how God has gifted us to serve and put our gifts into action.

Our logo illustrates how we intend to fulfill this vision.
First you will notice that there are two mountain peaks.
Two things we focus on church-wide in: 1) Weekend Worship and 2) Groups.
This may seem simplistic... ...but don't be fooled, the task is large. How will we accomplish this? That question is answered by what the 5 rays of sun in our logo represent: The five purposes of Ridgeview Church.

1) To Connect -doing life together with your church family
2) To Grow - helping believers grow spiritually
3) To Serve - meeting needs with love (internal - greeters, setup teams, nursery workers)
4) To Bridge - sharing the good news (external - outreach, missions)
5) To Worship - Expressing my love to God

I look forward to what God is going to do in our church! Hope to see you Sunday!

Tommy Hargrove, Pastor