One Month To Live Message Series

Please mark your calendars now for September 14 as we begin our Fall Message series entitled "One Month To Live: 30 Days To A No Regrets Life." This message series is intended to be a great opportunity to reach out to our community and share God's truth to them. One of the ways we as a church will do this will be an 11,000 direct mail piece from our church that will go out in our community the week preceding kick-off Sunday. We are expecting lots of guests so we need to be prepared. How do we do this?

1) PRAY - Please ask God to bring the people who are searching for answers and who need to hear His truth to Ridgeview. Pray also that God would give you a burden for His people.

2) CARE - Look for ways you can care for people in practical ways as we lead up to September 14.

3) SHARE and INVITE - Take the promotional material for our "One Month To Live" series and give it to family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, strangers, etc. and invite them to the message series. Did you know that many people would be willing to come to church if someone simply invited them?

I am extremely excited about what I believe God is going to do at Ridgeview in the Fall through our message series, through our Growth Groups, and through our outward-focused ministries in place for this Fall. Again, let me encourage you to bathe all of this in prayer. God works through the prayers of His people! See you Sunday!

- Pastor Tommy