
RidgeRiderz is a community of MTB/cyclists in Greenville, SC that ride together, eat together, laugh together, meet needs, and influence people.

Comment on the RidgeRiderz Forum
If you are new to our site, please use the forum, it is a very good way for new people to get in contact with us. Also, we are still looking for more cyclists to ride with Stan and Carroll. They are fed up with this MTB stuff, can you help them out?

This is our 1st Jersey (Fall 06) If you would like to purchase one for $25 (at this time, the jersey is our only registration fee)
please contact Milo at nmilowilson@yahoo.com


Paris Mountain Trail Volunteer Workdays
(Bulletin from Paris Mountain)
The final stage of our trail grant is approaching here at Paris Mountain State Park. We are going to need a lot of help in building this new section, as well as meeting our projected deadline of September 30th. Your help in meeting this match will help ensure that trails in the South Carolina State Park system continue to grow. Above all you will be able to become part of the legacy of Paris Mountain State Park. This legacy includes the hardworking members of the Civilian Conservation Corps that built this park in the 1930s from the natural resources found on the park. Our trails are built in the same way, and by getting your hands dirty you become part of this growing legacy. Bring your family and friends. Trail work is also a great teambuilding exercise for companies.
Our trail work days are:
Saturday July 28 and Sunday 29, 2007
Saturday August 11 and Sunday August 12, 2007
We will be meeting at the Park Center parking lot (2nd lot on the left) at 8am. We will be breaking for lunch and heading back out around noon for anyone who wants to work in the afternoon – admission is free for all volunteers. Be sure to wear boots, pants and work gloves.
Ok RidgeRiderz, its time to step it up and get dirty for a couple days. Please let me know ASAP when you WILL be helping. nmilowilson@yahoo.com

Paris Mountain Trail Runs Nov 11th Paris Mountain was a running race on Sat Nov 11th from @9-12. They contacted me and asked if we would help with the race. They wanted us to ride behind the racers, and make sure no one gets lost, and overall just be volunteers. The long loop only took some only an hour to run, and others up to 2, one close to 3, so since the race begins at 9:00, we stayed until about 12, and it was great. By "sweeping" the long loop, it was a great help to know that all were safely off the course. Guys/gals this was a big opportunity: 1st of all because they contacted us, because they are interested in what we are all about. 2nd, we use the trails and park all the time. Great Work! We were a big help to them, and this was a great way to build a relationship with Park Staff.

Tobacco Free race September 30th, Dupont *Click here toTake a Look at the Race Pics!* was a huge success! We had 5 people involved with the race and volunteering, and it was fantastic. It was really cool to answer people's questions about our Jerseys and the ministry that we are starting. Particularly Amy Williford, the race coordinator, kept saying "I just don't get it, Why do you guys want to stick around and help?" These are the type of questions we love to answer. As far as the actual race is concerned, we all got our tails handed to us. It was a really tough course, with really tough riders. For instance, I finished nearly a full hour behind the winner in my category - But I finished!

The vision of RidgeRiderz is to build a community of MTB/cyclists that ride together, hold each other accountable, eat together, laugh together, meet needs, and influence people. We will ride regularly, fostering a healthy physical workout schedule, as well as opportunities for biulding a community. Ideally, we will have scheduled rides for Mountain Bikers and Road Riders on a regular basis for all ability levels. It will be our goal to invite, welcome, and involve all riders (co-workers, neighbors, friends, and biking enthusiasts.) We take our relationships with Christ very seriously. We don't want you to sign anything stating that you'll live a certain way or do certain things, but you must know that we strive for the highest level of integrity possible.
The need for RidgeRiderz is to grow in membership for it to better function as a recognized club, as well as an outreach ministry. This will allow cyclists to be involved in a club where their hobby can be a ministry to the community, as well as a location to donate their charitable contributions.
The goal is that through involvement at local bike shops, nearby state parks, and mountain biking and cycling races, lasting connections will be made with the upstate biking community.

By the way, Ridgeview Church has agreed to be the umbrella under which RidgeRiderz can function. Because of this, all money received by RidgeRiderz (when processed through Ridgeview) qualifies as a non-taxable charitable contribution.