What's happening at Ridgeview Church 9.25.08

Often times when we begin our staff meetings I like to ask the question, "What are some good things happening in the life of our church?" It is an encouraging time to hear all the great things and it is a great way to start the week. I have to remind myself, however, that although I may be privy to what's happening, that may not be the case for everyone in our church.

As I sit in my office today and reflect on this September, let me share some great things from my vantage point happening in the life our church family:
*Worship services! The one month to live campaign has seen our attendance grow by 10 people each week with 5-10 first time guests and second time guests returning!
*Ridgekidz! Did any of you parents see the improvements in the gymnasium? More is coming! Also, C4C kicks off next week.
*Students! Milo is seeing first timers each week at Ridgestudents and he is looking forward to Release Time beginning soon.
*Growth Groups! We began our Growth Group sessions this week and we are off to a great start! Once again, we have a great percentage of our adults plugged into a group at almost 70%. Pictured above is our college group from Sunday night.
*Bridge! Our Single Mom's Oil Change is set for next week at O'Neal Village. Also, did you know that a representative from the City of Greer called this week asking our church to spearhead the Kidzone for next year's "Tunes on Trade." How awesome is that?
*Connect! Here are a few comments from recent guests I received via email: "The people at Ridgeview were so welcoming and it was just a really good feeling." Here's my favorite: "We liked the fact that we didn't feel as though we were being sized up."
*Serve! Have you noticed the men's and women's restrooms at the school on Sundays? Thank you Shelley Thompson for adding some nice touches in there!
*O'Neal Village! Our building team has done an excellent job as they met with the Trehel Corporation recently sharing our vision for the church building in O'Neal Village. They are working on a master planning process for us to share with you soon!
Thank you Ridgeview for the wonderful opportunity I have to serve as your Pastor! I look forward to the days ahead with you as we seek to be a bridge of God's love to all people by obeying what He's commanded us to do.

Pastor Tommy