What if you had one month to live?

Don't miss this Sunday as we kick off our new message series, "One Month To Live: 30 days to a no regrets life." We are expecting a great day and I am excited about what God is going to do! I challenged each person last Sunday in the worship service to invite three people to church this Sunday. So, if you were here Sunday, how's that going for you?

Satan would love for you to start to doubt and will give you lots of excuses not to do it. Let me encourage you to press on! If you were not here Sunday, let me challenge you to invite three people to come with you this Sunday. It's a biblical example: Andrew invited his brother Simon (Peter) to see this man named Jesus. The Bible says in John 1:41-42, "The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, 'We have found the Messiah (that is, the Christ).' And he brought him to Jesus." Who can you bring, invite, drive, carry, etc. to church this Sunday and to Jesus? We need "ground support" by you going out to invite your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

We are providing the "air support" by sending an 11,000 direct mail piece pictured above about the new message series. Please pray for this Sunday and those you know who need to be at Ridgeview this Sunday. Finally, come expectantly. God honors our faith.

Expectantly looking forward to Sunday,

Pastor Tommy