From The Pastor's Desk

Many of you may not know that for the last eight months I have been part of a Pastor's mentoring group called "Seasons of Refreshing." We have met at the Cliff's Valley clubhouse once a month on Thursday from 9:30 am to 3:00 PM. There are fifteen of us and it has been a great time of growth for me. The group is led by my former seminary President, Dr. Ken Hemphill, who now lives at the Cliff's. We have been blessed to sit under his teaching as well as other great men of God who have shared with us such as Dr. Frank Page (Pastor, Taylors First Baptist), Dr. Don Wilton (Pastor, Spartanburg First Baptist), and Dr. Jim Henry (retired, Pastor Orlando First Baptist). Yesterday, I was privileged to hear our guest, Bishop Claude Alexander (pictured above). He Pastors University Park Baptist Church in Charlotte with an average attendance of over 10,000 people. God has truly blessed his leadership. He shared with us some great principles on vision.

Here is what stuck out to me from what Bishop Alexander shared: "Without a problem to solve, need to meet, question to answer, or threat to avoid, there is no need for vision." Our country and our community faces many challenges. I have a vision for our church to meet the needs of people who are spiritually empty. It's dynamic worship, life-changing Growth Groups, and an outward-focused ministry to others. These are perilous times for our country but I believe these can be some of the greatest times for Ridgeview Church. We have so many opportunities to be a bridge of God's love to people. Do not miss one opportunity that comes your way to share the love of God with hurting people!

See you this Sunday,
Pastor Tommy