Finish Strong!

This month marks one year ago that Coach David Farnham of Blue Ridge High went to be with the Lord. He's been on my mind this week not because he was a great coach. He was. He's been on my mind because he finished well! He lived his mantra: "Finish Strong." It was more than just playing hard for the entire football game to him. You see, he was a man of faith. A man of faith in Jesus Christ. He finished strong the life Christ called him to live.

This Sunday as we continue our New Testament Challenge, I will be laying out the challenge of perseverance. I will implore you to "Finish Strong." Some of you are weary, tired, stressed, fatigued, and feel like giving up on everything and everyone; maybe even Jesus. I want to point you this Sunday about what the Bible has to say about that and how you can persevere. Come prepared to be encouraged in this marathon we call life.