From The Pastor

The Challenge of Eternity

This Sunday we will wrap up our New Testament Challenge. I will address the challenge of eternity. This past week, in the loss of our church family member Ron Riggs, reminds us all what James 4:14 says, "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." It will be a powerful Sunday!

2009 Budget Vote This Sunday

This Sunday our church membership will vote on the 2009 Ridgeview Church budget. It is a ministry plan for achieving our goal of being a bridge of God's love to all people. Thank you Advisory Team for your help and insight in coming up with a great budget. I am excited about what 2009 holds for us as a church! Ballots for church members will be out on the worship table as you enter in the worship center. If you have any questions this week about anything in the budget, please don't hesitate to call any of our Advisory Team or staff team.

Memorial Service
For Ron Riggs this Sunday, 2 pm, at Mountain View Elementary Many of our church family were unable to attend the funeral of Ron Riggs last Sunday. This Sunday at 2 pm we will have a memorial service for him at Mountain View Elementary. Ron's love for Christ was evident to all who knew him. I personally know that Ron prayed for me every night before he went to bed. Sunday will be a time for us as a church to share the ways Ron touched our lives and point to the Jesus who saves us from our sins and has gone to prepare a place for us in heaven. If you have some ways Ron touched your life, would you mind sending those to me by emailing me at or calling me at 630-9459.

Christmas Offering
This Sunday there will be special envelopes for our end of year Christmas offering. Our goal as a church is $12,000. That money will be used to support our Southern Baptist International missionaries, our bridge events and benevolence help in the community, and to aid in purchasing some needed items in our Ridgekidz Children's ministry. Let this Christmas find you giving your biggest gift to Christ. After all, it's His birthday we celebrate!

Community Christmas Eve @ the Red Dutch Barn Pictured above is the back side of one of the 12,000 Community Christmas eve mailers that went out in the community this week. We have provided the air support for you in this large outreach event. Now, it's up to you! We will be providing again in the program this Sunday Christmas eve invite cards. Take them and disperse them to family, friends, neighbors, co-workers- even total strangers at the Post Office and grocery store. Did you know incredible things happen when we step out of our comfort zone and invite people. I will be out in my neighborhood next week dispersing cards and inviting my neighbors. Many of them have come to Ridgeview simply because of an invite. A few of them I've even baptized. You can make an eternal difference in the lives of people this Christmas by simply doing a simple thing: inviting them to the Christmas Eve service. See you Sunday!

Pastor Tommy