Blazing New Trails

Life is all about the paths we choose to take. Old Testament prophet Micah grieved over the path Israel and Judah chose to take and warned about the coming judgment of the Lord. But, Micah also shares the hope that God is a God of mercy who is willing to forgive and redeem those who turn to Him in repentance and faith. "Blazing New Trails" message series shares the different paths people took in Micah's day and will point us to the new trail we must all blaze as we follow Christ in our daily lives.

March 12 Rebelion: A Path to Ruin Micah 1:1-9; 2:1-4a
April 19 Corruption: A Path To Nowhere Micah 3:1-2, 5-7, 9-12
April 26 Hope: A Path To Fulfillment Micah 4:1-4, 5:1-4
May 3 The Spiritual Walk is a Hike! 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (Milo Wilson speaking)
May 10 Commitment: A Path To Effectiveness Micah 7:1-7, 18-20