C.H.A.M.P.S. (July 26)

Please mark your calendars now for Sunday, July 26, for a church consultation time with Don Matthews from the South Carolina Baptist Convention. He is the director of C.H.A.M.P.S. (Church Health Assessment and Mobilization Planning Strategy). There will be a luncheon after the morning worship service. It will be a time for Don to share more about how C.H.A.M.P.S. will help Ridgeview Church work on areas of church life that need to be strengthened.

After the luncheon each person will be asked to answer around 120 questions from a church health survey on various areas of our church life. It will better help Don evaluate our strenghths and weaknesses and how best to
work on those. We need at least 30 people to be there, especially all of our ministry leaders/volunteeers.

The luncheon and survey will be held in the Mountain View Elementary School cafeteria. Please make
plans to attend! Your input is needed in helping Ridgeview best fulfill our purpose of "Being a bridge of God's love to all people so
they may experience His purpose for their lives." For more information or to sign up, please email Pastor Tommy at tommy@ridgeviewchurch.net or call 630-9459.