The Essential James

Aug 9
The Essential James
James 2:1-13 “Let’s be fair about it”
Biblical truth: Without showing favoritism to anyone, Christians are to love everyone.
Life impact: to help adults be impartial in their treatment of others.

Aug 16
The Essential James
James 2:14-26 “Show me your faith”
Biblical truth: We give evidence of our faith in Christ by the good works we perform.
Life impact: to help adults demonstrate their faith by their works.

Aug 23
The Essential James
James 3:1-18 “How to sail through life”
Biblical truth: Christians who control their tongues and conduct are able to live rightly and in peace with another.
Life impact: to help adults keep their speech and conduct under control.

Aug 30
The Essential James
James 4:1-17 “Who is your best friend?”
Biblical truth: Christians confirm they are friends of God by relating to Him openly and by eliminating sinful attitudes and actions from their lives.
Life impact: to help adults confirm they are God’s friends.

Sep 6
The Essential James
James 5:1-20 “How to live with confidence”
Biblical truth: We can have confidence about our future and about the results of our prayers.
Life impact: to help adults have confidence about the future and about their prayers.