God's Power Prayer Ministry Update

Hi Friends,
Wasn't it wonderful to have both Milo and Erin worshiping with us yesterday?  Their lives are such a vivid example of God's provision and protection.  He has been (and continues to be) their shield and refuge during this uncertain time in their lives.  Are you resting in God right now?  So that during the storms of life you can stand firm and unshaken.  Our promise is found in Psalm 91:1-2 – He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
Pray for our church this week as we join with Northwood Baptist for MEGA Sports Camp, AND as we take our RidgeStudents to the BIG YOUTH THING at Carowinds (8-6), AND THEN as we join with Freedom Fellowship and Springwell to give away Book Bags to bless children as they go back to school (8-9).  Pray that as a result of the touches made this week (through the above activities and distribution of the loaves of bread) lives will be changed and those without a home church will visit us at Ridgeview.  As GOD'S POWER Prayer Ministry, it is our responsibility and our privilege to join together and lift up our church in prayer this week as we watch expectantly for God's blessings to be revealed. 
Have an awesome week!

Linda Smith