Ridgeview Christmas Offering

Did you know millions around the world have never heard the name Jesus? Did you know thousands around our community know about Jesus but do not know Him in a personal relationship? This year Ridgeview will receive the annual Christmas offering on Christmas eve at the Red Barn. During the 6:00 p.m. and the 8:00 p.m. services there will be a time for you and your family to come forward and give your offering. Fifty-percent of the offering will go to international missions through the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. The other fifty-percent of the offering will go to support local bridge events in our community (i.e. four single mom free oil changes, Good News Club, many servant evangelism projects, benevolence, community Easter egg hunt, mega sports camp, etc.). Please understand the nature of an offering. Many special offerings were held in the Old Testament. They were to be given over and above one's tithe to the Lord. You are asked to begin praying now how much the Lord would have you give this year. One rule of thumb our family keeps is this: we always give our biggest gift to Jesus during Christmas. After all, it's all about Him anyway.