Theater Reports Are In On FIREPROOF

An action-packed love story, Fireproof will has audiences laughing, crying, and being pulled toward the edge of their seats as they are drawn into the world of a firefighter, his wife, and a marriage worth rescuing. Be sure to go and see this Christian film wile it is still in the theaters. Here is just one of the testimonies of this film. Jon Durkovic, the manager of The Grand Theatre in Fitzgerald, Georgia wrote: "We are having a good run with this movie and our community is seeing some changes. One night, there was an impromptu prayer meeting in the auditorium after the show to deal with some of the issues a couple was having. They started out renewed that night as they left the viewing.

"We have had 1,210 people see the film so far. Not bad for a small community in rural South Georgia! It has had an impact already in our town and I know we are just seeing the beginning of renewal."

"I know there have been hundreds of reports from people on how this film has affected their lives."

"Congratulations to the creators on the success of the film, but mostly, thank you for the successes it is causing in our country."